COVID-19 Response
Dr. Levinson has continued to operate during this crisis by utilizing ZOOM for Healthcare. This is a HIPPA compliant format and is protected and secure.
If you would like to see Dr. Levinson please call the office at (713) 785-7111 and your information will be taken. You will then be instructed to sign the Telehealth consent form below, and fill out the paperwork and be given a Password to access the material. When Dr. Levinson opens her practice for face to face meetings she will ask you to sign the form for returning to her practice.
Dr. Levinson is committed to the care and well being of her patients. She has continued to go into her office every day and conducts the sessions as she has always done. Group Therapy is also conducted via ZOOM. When it becomes safe she will open the office for group. Dr. Levinson follows all the safety guidelines that are recommended.
Please sign the Telehealth Informed consent as well as the New Patient Packet and send them back to the office. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We remain committed to your health and well-being.
Other Resources
- Self Help Groups
- Books
- The 12 Step Workbook
- Blog
- will help you understand the effects of pornography on your brain and the neuroscience of addiction and the reward system.
- contains information on how to talk to your children about pornography, and to educate yourself to be prepared and proactive. Learn what your children are looking at and how to effectively communicate about this significant issue in today’s Digital Age.
Please give us a call or send us an email. We will be happy to discuss how we can help.